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general succession中文是什么意思

用"general succession"造句"general succession"怎么读"general succession" in a sentence


  • 概括继承


  • This cultural inheritance was part of the general succession of the roman world over that of classical greece .
  • Creditor ' s right protection originated from jus romanum . in ancient rome , obligatio was first thought to be personal relation . the debt was gone with the death of the detitor , which later on developed into general succession , that is , the heir inherited all the properties and debts
  • For example , we must confirm a succession system based on the co - existence of general succession and limited succession on the premise that the claimant claims inheritance separation , or claims that the inheritance should be conducted as abandonment of succession , because it is n ' t enough for paying off debts . the heir will lose the interests from limited succession because of not performing the duty of honestly telling the truth
用"general succession"造句  


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